Sunday, July 20, 2008

Here, look at these!

Lots of pictures from Urinetown...I'm very scary!!!

Looking at Steve's inserts reminded me of these...

I was looking for John-John counting his penny, but couldn't find that one.
Boy, am I old!


SMNYC said...

Well, it turns out Susan Sarandon used to have a sense of humor about Rocky Horror afterall...

M.M. said...

Scary is right! Holy Crap!

Looks like it was fun though!

SMNYC said...

So was your baby excited to go to camp? I meant to call and offer the friendly advice:

"The best way to avoid getting wedgies is to not wear any underwear" Oh well.

Linnie said...

Oh my gosh, I can barely recognize you! Go, girl!