Sunday, April 27, 2008

Daffodils and princesses

Well, I don't know if you can see the connection or not. The original clump of daffodils that inspired this connection for me had faded beyond redemption. These are ones from my front yard - and they're not exactly the same, but you get the idea.

Did the hill again on Day 5 - ran in the village on Day 6. Today, the 7th day, I rested.


Melissa said...

I didn't remember the picture by the description - but now I do! And I *DO* see the similarities! Is this the big grey hardcover book with the story about the littlest dog in the kingdom?

Amy said...

Actually, the story with the littlest dog is about a White Cat - and yes, you're remembering the right book. Gorgeous illustrations. If you ever have kids you can have it back! : )

Melissa said...

I thought it was a tiny papillon type dog that fit in a walnut shell...the prince who brought the tiniest dog got the kingdom...

Amy said...

Yup. That's part of the story. The king renegs - like they always seem to do - and the princes also have to bring back muslin that can pass through the eye of a needle, and the most beautiful girl in the land to be their bride. The youngest prince has to cut off the head of the white cat, and she turns into a beautiful princess.
Funny how you only remember the part about the dog...

Melissa said...

I have no recollection about the decapitation. There may be good reason for that...