Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Pajama Day

It's pajama day at Tarzan's preschool today. They get to wear PJ's to school, bring a sleeping bag and pillow, watch movies, and eat popcorn and homemade pizza. How cool is that? I don't remember getting to do that in school. He "got dressed" in his school pajamas at 7:00am, and has been running around the house like a crazy person all morning in anticipation. Ah, to be three again.
On a more existential note, Scooby came downstairs a couple of nights ago shortly after going to bed, in tears because he was "thinking about that, when I'm dead? I'll never ever ever be alive ever again. And it makes me sad." Well, hell, it makes me sad too! So I gave him the speech about being with Jesus when he dies, and that everyone he loves will be with him forever when they die, and besides it won't happen for a long long time, probably, because Mommy and Daddy love him so much and will take very good care of him. Then we snuggled for a couple minutes, and he went to bed.
I, however, didn't sleep for a long time.


Linnie said...

Oh, that is just awful. The Biggie went through that for a while, every night just before she went to bed. And Unitarians don't really do the whole heaven thing, so I didn't have anything truly reassuring to tell her. Argh.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, so I get the blame when yo don't write. If you sit around reading all day, how do you expect to have time to write??/ Just kidding.
Only three???? Boo Hoo
Better to clean up pee than puke everytime you turn the key on.

Anonymous said...

Your car pukes when you turn the key? You should consider buying a Saturn...


J said...

Or a Miata...