Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween, and a couple of other random pictures

This year's pumpkin

All three trick-or-treaters

Scooby's Phoenix costume - jacket made by Aunt Lisa a long time ago (inside of Fireman's suit) and the rest created by Scooby for his Latin class assignment "Mythical Creature" costume.  For class, it had 20 body parts labeled in Latin.

Tarzan's toothbrush costume - idea by Tarzan, execution by Mom

Cinderella's Reese's cup costume.  Her thought, "Maybe if I'm dressed like my favorite candy, I'll get my favorite candy!" It worked.

Scooby's TaeKwonDo instructors

Scooby acheives yellow belt

Men at work in Norfolk


Children's Festival in Norfolk
Happy Halloween!


Blackbird said...

So, what's the Latin word for "weiner"?

Amy said...


Blackbird said...

As in "Men mentate with their mentulae"?