Friday, March 04, 2011

So things are toddling along over here - coming to the end of my "spring break" which has gone by remarkably fast and been a fairly decent mixture of rest and accomplishment.  I read two books for pleasure (a mindless murder mystery and a collection of Stephen King novellas), read two plays, bought another book of plays that I hope to get to today, finished our taxes, caught up on six episodes of Parenthood, went back to bed three days this week, rehearsed scenes and fights for two different classes, and did all the usual kiddo homework/TaeKwonDo/cub scout related activity.  Tonight I'm going to a birthday party for two friends from school.  Although there were *many* more things on the list that I wanted to accomplish this week, I'm reasonable satisfied.

I'm getting used to the shows for next season too.  I actually think it looks like a pretty fun season, my own personal feelings about Joseph and the Amazing blah blah blah aside.  It will be a fun show, and lots of people will come to see it.  And, I probably won't be in it.  I think it's actually good that there isn't a thesis show that I'm DYING to do, because I'd be really disappointed if there were a role that I was in love with and didn't get it.  This way, I'll be ready to jump in and tackle whatever I get, and bring a fresh eye to it that might not be there if I already knew and loved the show.

Scooby and I had our third counseling session this week.  We actually had a really good week, with no meltdowns and only a couple of close calls.  He said he feels like he has a better idea when he's about to get upset, and was able to stop himself before it happened.  I think it was just a light homework week, and he was feeling less stressed.  I can't imagine that with only two counseling sessions, one of which was spent on ADD testing for half the time, that we've already turned a corner.  The testing came back fine, and he'll do another round of it next week.  He's normal on attention issues so far, which is what I expected.  The test also showed he responds better to visual than auditory clues, which is also not surprising.

One of the things I meant to do this week was run more consistently, but the going back to bed kind of put the kibosh on that.  I only made it out once this week.  But my intentions are good! Hoping that warmer weather will stir me to better committment.

Next week will take me into full-swing rehearsals for Bye Bye Birdie, and the rounding up of my second year.  Time to start thinking about what comes next...gathering info about job hunting, putting together a CV, all that fun stuff.  I like this school cocoon, and I'm not ready to leave it yet!


Sawdust said...

Sounds like a good week. You accomplished a lot more than we did! We toured Mt. Vernon, Washington's home, and the Custis-Lee mansion at Arlington National Cemetary. It's being renovated, so there wasn't a rug, stick of furniture, or painting on the wall. Still interesting.

M.M. said...

I thought we accomplished a lot this month. It doesn't even seem like we were away though! Where did the time go?
Loved seeing you all and will pray for David's continued success (and yours).