Friday, October 17, 2008

So help me out here!

See what happens when none of you comment on my posts? I get random spam emails about the inner workings of my neurons. At least I'm assuming it's spam and not the earnestly shared yet strangely remote musings of an unidentified reader.


Sawdust said...

Well, when you have a conversation in a public restroom with the person in the next stall, some others are likely to join in! Actually, it sounded like a pretty rational comment to me.

Anonymous said...

What Nickysam said may have sounded rational, but it wasn't an accurate description of how the brain and the nervous system work.

Amy said...

Where exactly is the restroom supposed to be here? My house isn't THAT messy.

Melissa said...

And who is A. Nonymous anyway?

Blackbird said...

Sounds to me like you have lots of conversations in the restroom, Droopy.

What Nickysam said was clearly inspired by weed. Or it's someone from Oberlin. Same difference. Thinking something does NOT make it come true. Even if you're thinking about what you think you're thinking.