Friday, April 29, 2011

Here I am

Bye Bye Birdie opens tonight! I've completed all my classwork, and am preparing for juries next week.  Auditions for thesis shows and exit interviews are also next week, and the second weekend of Birdie.  After that, all I have on my plate is the production of Romeo and Juliet we're doing at the end of May.  I'm playing Lady Capulet.  If Don and the kids can hang on one more week, life should settle down a bit.  Granny leaves tomorrow, which will be very sad.  It's been great having her here. We're considering our summer travel plans and trying to work out getting everywhere we want to go as cost effectively as possible.  As of now, I have no summer work lined up, which means no summer income.  I keep praying some commercial work will come through, but nothing so far. 


Melissa said...

Wonder if there would be any theatre camps in Westford...

CassandraMadeIt said...

Something wonderful must come your way. Prayers for that to happen.