Friday, May 21, 2010

Hello again!

Yes, it's been awhile since I've written, and the longer I wait the more there is to write and I get all overwhelmed and don't want to write anything. I've had very little motivation to write anything since school ended and I guess I've just been taking a little vacation from it! But life has been trucking right along. Our memory card broke, and now the computer won't read the new one, but as soon as I can I'll post some pictures of Tarzan's new haircut and Scooby's new glasses. Tarzan's enjoying cubscouts and baseball, Scooby starts a free month of Tae Kwon Do lessons this afternoon, and Cinderella is staging elaborate Barbie shows in her room. I've been trying to take advantage of my "vacation" days - while the kids are still in school, but before I begin teaching summer camps - to work out a lot. I'm currently doing two training schedules. I'm following a 10K training program, which would theoretically have me able to run a 10K by the end of July, not that I have plans to actually do one. I'm running three days per week, crosstraining for two, and either doing yoga for one and resting for one, or resting for two, depending my weekend schedule. So far, I'm on week two. On the crosstraining days, I'm using some P90x videos that someone gave to Don. I've only done two so far, and they are tough. The first was "Chest and Back" and requires the use of a pull-up bar, which I don't have, and wouldn't be able to do even if I had it, so I modified the exercises quite a bit, but still got a good upper body workout. The second way "Plyometrics" which is lots of jumping, lunging, squats, etc. I was actually able to do most of this one, with very few modifications, thanks to all the Rapier and Dagger lunging, probably. My knees are complaining a little today, but I was able to complete today's run without any trouble. I'm running 4 miles, interpersing one minute walk breaks for every five minutes of running. The running stretches get longer in week four. So there's my exciting entry for today! Was it worth waiting for?


SMNYC said...

Yay for you! Congratulations on working out. That's great! Goodluck on sticking with it. *grumble* *grumble* no one else in this family would think of ever saying that...*grumble* *grumble*

M.M. said...

What does he mean???

Good for you. Glad to see you up and writing again.

Sawdust said...

Working out is good! I got my bike out yesterday for the first time this year. Only did ten miles, but it felt good. I've missed your blogs.

Melissa said...

I think it would be great to sign up for a 10k. It really helps with motivation to be scared to death. Really, if you give yourself permission to walk whenever you want, its a totally doable distance. I haven't been running regularly lately- more riding. But I should get back to it. Good for you!

Blackbird said...

Yay! Congratulations on working out. That's great! Good luck on sticking with it. Working out is good. I just put down a rather large deposit on a membership in a gym that won't open until September. Most expensive free T-shirt I've ever gotten.

Melissa said...

My gym doesn't have T-shirts...or maybe they do now...its been a long time.

M.M. said...

You ALL are going to be so beautiful. Let's plan a cruise together!

CassandraMadeIt said...

You inspire me! Go girl!!!