Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock...
Three days and counting. The sandbox is cleaned out and ready to go. The attic is all boxed and swept out, except for that one corner of Don's stuff. The wardrobe in the bedroom is empty. The kids rooms are cleaned out down to bare furniture and the only toys out are Legos, Lincoln Logs, blocks and Barbies. The living room is packed, except for the computer. The kitchen is half packed. Utilities have been notified at both locations. Tomorrow I transfer prescriptions and pick up kid's medical records. Cat is scheduled for booster shots this afternoon. Post office has been notified. Magazine subscriptions have been notified. Late thank you notes with new address included have been mailed. All nails and hangers have been removed from walls. To do this weekend: Confirm rental truck. Finish packing kitchen. Pack suitcases for kids to have at Granny's. Pack computers and desk area. Pack bathroom stuff. Return library books and redeem "book bucks" rewards at library. Break down swingset and put out for trash. Cut grass and trim hedges. Pack all of Don's stuff - bedroom, that corner in the attic, and pretty much the entire basement. Clean clean clean. The other 9.000 things I'm forgetting.
Tomorrow is Don's last day of work.
Tick tock. Tick tock.
Tomorrow is Don's last day of work.
Tick tock. Tick tock.
Your head must be ready to explode! You'll look back on all of this and... not remember how bad it was. =)
Hang in there, good luck, support support support.
Advice: There's no such thing as confirmed truck rentals. Seriously. So don't stress about it. Just make sure you get there FIRST THING in the morning, be early. They can and will give away your truck if you try to pick it up later in the day. How big a truck did you decide on anyways? Get everything worked out with the new place (I assume?)
It's hard to believe that it's been 37 years since I've been through a move! And as I follow your and Uncle Phil's adventures, it makes me realize how fortunate I was with Dad's house. All I did was take what I wanted, and walk away. Janice did all the work. Good luck; we're thinking of you.
For your "carry-on" luggage:
- toilet paper (in my case, the previous owner had taken ALL of it with him, the jerk)
- a few garbage bags
- paper towels & universal cleaning fluid of choice (I prefer Windex)
- screwdriver
- notepad and pen
- telephone, the kind that doesn't have to be plugged into an electrical outlet, if you have one
- alarm clock
- folder with several printed copies of Don's resume
- toiletries
- pillow & set of sheets
- your first 2 days worth of clothes
- cell phone charger
- landlord's phone number
- Papa John's phone number
- trashy novel
See you Monday.
And the leftover vodka you smuggled into the house...
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