Thursday, September 20, 2007

My most recent brush with celebrity

Sunday night we went to hear a couple of musicians at a tiny little coffeehouse. One was Don's friend, William Fitzsimmons, who has a couple of tunes out there on different TV shows. The other was Ingrid Michaelson. Her song "Keep Breathing" was the last song on the season finale of Grey's know, the one where they showed the montage of Meredith cutting Christina out of her wedding dress, and George failing his intern exam, and Izzy sitting alone in the church. She also has a song on a new Old Navy commercial - about sweaters. I really like her music, and she seemed like a pretty normal, decent person, too. I bought a CD and had her sign it. If you want to, check out to hear some of her music. I really like "Far Away" and "Breakable"

ps: Ingrid will be on with Carson Daly tonight, 9/20. I'm having Don tape it for me since I am not a freak who stays up until 2:00 am watching TV. Not when I have to get up for soccer at 7:30!

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