Monday, November 02, 2009

Post Number Two

I think I've licked this whole snazzy title thing. I'm going for "it's so boring, it's chic." I'm posting early today as I know I'm going to be whupped by the time I get home tonight. Just got back from my run, and I'm sitting here sweating all over Don's nice leather chair. I'd like to say I feel virtuous for running, but I'm still deep in the hole of guilt from all the Halloween candy I snarfed yesterday and I've got a lot of climbing to do before I get back to virtuous. One of the (many) things I like about where we live now is that I can plan out running routes that a) don't involve perpendicular hills and b) don't involve major highways or train tracks. True, there are many little water spots - creeks, ponds, lakes, that create strange byways and very circular routes, but I'm starting to get to know my way around them a little better. We live right next to a really nice neighborhood, and my current route fills me with nostalgia as I run past all the Colonial homes on streets like Natick, Tewksbury, Shrewsbury, and Revere. Especially now that it's November and the leaves have STARTED to turn colors (!!) I can almost pretend I'm home in New England. I actually ran for 20 minutes straight today. Walked for 5, ran for 20, walked for 5, ran for 6, and walked 6 back home. My goal is to be able to run at least 30 minutes straight. I still don't enjoy it. I'm waiting for those runner's endorphins to find me, but they are elusive indeed. It's still more slogging and grunting, but I'm getting out there, at least. I'm afraid I'm going to miss tomorrow, as the kids have no school and I'm taking them all to a teacher conference, then to school with me. I've got some people lined up to watch them while I'm in class. We'll see how that goes!
Off to start the day...


SMNYC said...

I found those endorphins only kick in at the 5 or 5.5 mile mark for me. Back when I was running regularly, my time for the 6th mile was usually my fastest mile.

Speaking of, I'm getting back on the wagon. Figuring out how to make time to run.

SMNYC said...

I think if you got off the computer once in a while and got some sleep, running would be easier...crazy stalker lady

CassandraMadeIt said...

You posted 'number 2'; heehee.

You are crazy; don't you know running leads to heavy breathing and sweating and weight loss? All that work you invested in Halloween candy consumption is being corrupted. For shame!

Unknown said...

Lovin' your posts!!! Great way to keep in touch! Appreciate them! Love you guys and miss you very much ----but Nov. 17th isn't too far away! Yippee!