Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Post Number Four

Another full day today. Got the kids on the bus, went running, and headed off to class. Today was discussion day in Research and Aesthetics and we talked about modern day examples of Romanticism and Melodrama. We pretty much decided that all super-hero movies (Spiderman, Batman, Hulk, etc.) are Romantic (in the sense of the genre, not necessarily lovey dovey) and Melodramatic. Lots of other films too - Titanic, Gone With the Wind, Independence Day...the list is long! Then I had scene practice for acting class. After that, I went to the post office and mailed Lisa her popcorn (enjoy!), ate some soup, and worked on my assignment for Movement tomorrow. (I thought about trying to explain it, but decided it would be too difficult without having a shared vocabulary about what we're working on.) I went back to school and got the paperwork for the Independent Study proposal, then met with my combat partner to review stuff because she was sick on Monday. In combat class we learned moves like the eye poke, the eye gouge, three different ways to break someone's neck, and the traveling side-kick. Then my partner and I performed and were graded on our mini-fight that we self-choreographed, (which was due Monday, but again, she was sick) and all of us were tested on the third phrase of our long fight. Next week we need to bring in a scene and add text to the fight. After that I had 25 minutes for dinner, and went into Little Women rehearsal. Because the show is completely sold out and the waiting list has been growing huge, we've been authorized to add another show on Sunday evening! It's pretty exciting. I can't wait to start wearing my petticoats and crinolines!!! Got out of rehearsal a little early, so I got home in time to read the kids stories, then started homework. It's now 11:25, and I have about another hour's worth to go. So, full day.


M.M. said...

Yup! You are head over heels into grad school and motherhood. hang in there!

J said...

If you're at all interested, Tai Chi is essentially all about identifying the expansive and contracting movements, being aware of them, balancing them, and altering learned muscle memory. I can recommend an excellent teacher in Va Beach (Judith Forsyth,

Unknown said...

Wow, I'm tired just reading your post! I agree with M.M. --- hang in there!

Melissa said...

Can you combine melodrama and combat? Because I think that would be much more fun. I second Tai Chi - I think you'd like it. In your spare time.

Anonymous said...

Here, here! Tai Chi is an excellent idea.

You are superwoman doing all that stuff!!!